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Welcome to Pitton CE Primary School, part of Pickwick Academy Trust

Life In All Its Fullness

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Please notify the school of all absences.  Absence forms are available from the porch or can be printed  below. 


Illnesses and Sickness

If your child is unwell, please ring the school/email by 9am on every day of your child's absence , so that we can account for all pupils.  On the first day of return to school please complete the form below with details  about your child's absence.  


If your child has a communicable illness then they should not return to school until they are feeling better and the risk of infection to others has passed.  In line with Health Protection Agency guidelines we request that in the case of vomiting and/or diarrhoea, pupils remain off school for 48hours from the last episode.

Pre-Notified Appointments

Please use this form if you have a pre-notified appointment that your child needs to attend during the school day.  Appointments include doctors, dentist, opticians, hospital, music and dance exams.

When collecting your child or returning them to school please sign in/out at the school office.

Absence Requests for Term-Time Holidays

Please use the form below if you are applying to take your child away on holiday during the school term.  Please read the leaflet below before submitting the form so that you understand the penalties associated with taking your child out of school.  Mr Holyoake will consider each application individually but is only able to authorise leave for family holidays in term time for very exceptional circumstances.  He will be expected to report these absences to the Local Authority who will issue fixed penalty fines for unauthorised holiday absence.  

Forms need to be completed and returned to the school office at least 3 weeks before the planned holiday otherwise the holiday will be UNAUTHORISED.

Family Emergency

In the case of a family emergency, please ring by 9am on the first day.
