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Welcome to Pitton CE Primary School, part of Pickwick Academy Trust

Life In All Its Fullness

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Hawks (Y2/Y3/Y4)



Welcome to Hawks class!  

Term 2 Overview

Term 1 Overview

We are Artists - choosing the surrealist style.

Hawk's Aquarium

We had a donation of 20 mollies to our aquarium - mostly babies.

Hawk's Aquarium Autumn 2023

By Term 2, the plants are looking very lush. We have added snails, bugs and water from the river Test.

Term 6 Overview

Why did people travel in the past?

Historians: visiting The Mary Rose

Term 5.6 Enquiry Overview

Artists: Sketching bluebells in Clarendon Forest

Term 5 Overview

Scientists: Experimenting with magnets

Term 4 Overview

Scientists: A visit from Dr. Lewy

Term 3 Overview

Geographers: A walk around Pitton

Overview - Term 2

Historians: Exploring Clarendon Palace with Mary South

Being Historians with Wessex Archaeology

Forest Fun

Overview Term 1

YOGA- Being Athletes in our beautiful school grounds.

Term 6 - Being Geographers and Scientists on our field-trip to Langford Lakes

Curriculum Overviews Term 6

Term 6 Enquiry 1: Where does our water come from?

Curriculum Overview Term 5

Becoming Apprentice Electricians

Our electrical quiz boards

During Terms 5 and 6, Hawks will be completing the Platinum Jubilee Royal Reading Challenge. Pupils will complete a decade of the Queen's reign each week by reading for 20 minutes, 5 times a week and recording the title of their books in their Royal Reading Challenge log. The challenge will finish on 1st July.

Find out more by clicking on the link below.

Platinum Jubilee Royal Reading Challenge | National Literacy Trust

Curriculum Overview Term 4

Curriculum Overview Term 3

Being engineers by designing and making bread

Curriculum Overview Term 2

Hawks Term 2 Overview

Hawks visited Salisbury recently to learn about the symbols of Advent in the Cathedral. We also carried out fieldwork as Geographers by looking at the rivers that flow through Salisbury. 

Salisbury Cathedral Visit

Online Learning Platform or Download the ClassDojo App

There are two main features to the system: 
Class Story – This will contain helpful learning links to online activities along with activities pupils may wish to complete at home. There is no requirement for these activities to be submitted. Staff will update the class story regularly.  
Portfolio – This is a section where activities requiring ‘submission’ will be placed. Pupils will complete the activities and submit them online where their class teacher will be able to access them, comment and/or award Dojo points. Staff will update portfolio activities regularly.  
Dojo Points- These will be awarded for positive work, attitude and perseverance. 

Want to find out more about the topics you are learning?  Go and check out our educational links page:
