Charges & Remissions
Voluntary Contributions: Events and Educational Visits
When organising events or visits which enrich the curriculum and educational experiences of the children, the school invites parents to contribute to the cost. All contributions are voluntary, however, if we do not receive sufficient voluntary contributions to cover the cost of the trip or event, it may have to be cancelled.
Children will not be excluded from any class or school events or visits if the parents are not able to contribute.
The following are examples of additional activities organised by the school, which required voluntary contributions from parents last year:
- Reception/Year 1 visit to the New Forest Wildlife Park (as part of the 'Holidays' topic)
- Year 5/6 visit to Warner Brothers Studios (as part of the 'Magic & Mystery' topic)
- Whole School visit to the Life Education Centre (as part of the PHSE curriculum)
- Whole School visit to Foxlease Activity Centre (as part of the PE curriculum)
- Whole School visit to Salisbury Playhouse (pantomime)
- Year 1/2 visit to Bournemouth Oceanarium (as part of 'Oceans' topic)
- Year 3/4 visit to Stonehenge (as part of 'Neolithic life' topic)
Residential Visit
Each year the school organises a 2-night residential visit for Year 5 and Year 6 to either Braeside or Tile Barn. We make a charge for board and lodging for this trip. Parents who are in receipt of Income Support will be exempt from such payment.
The school organises swimming lessons for all children. These take place in school time and are part of the National Curriculum. Whilst the cost of the swimming lessons, lifeguards, pool hire and swimming teachers are funded from our PE and Sports budget, we do request voluntary contributions to support the cost of the coach.
Music Tuition
All children study music as part of the National Curriculum and this is free of charge.
The school also provides a free Recorder and Ukulele orchestra for pupils in Year 4 & 5, although parents are invited to purchase the instruments and relevant tutor books.
Individual or group instrument tuition is provided by peripatetic music teachers, who charge for these lessons. Parents who are in receipt of Income Support may be exempt from such payment.
Extra-Curricular Clubs led by External Providers
The school hosts range of extra-curricular clubs before and after school. The providers request payment for these clubs at the beginning of each term. Parents who are in receipt of Income Support may be exempt from such payment.