Forms, Letters and Payments
- Thursday is our ‘letters day’ when we send out our weekly letters. These letters are also available to download from the school website via the 'News and Events - Newsletters' tab. Copies of relevant letters are also available on class, sports or music pages. A list of the letters sent out each week is included in the Pitton News (see below) and also listed on the whiteboard outside school.
- Pitton News is our weekly newsletter. It contains everything you need to know for the following week and beyond. Please read it carefully.
- All correspondence for the office should be put in a named envelope and placed in the post box. Please remember to include any reply slips and money.
- Data collection sheets go out during the first week of the academic year to be updated with changes to pupil and contact information. Please ensure that the school is kept informed of any additional changes in contact names and telephone/mobile numbers. This is vitally important should your child fall ill during the school day and for the emergency contact list.
- We use ParentMail for trips, events and activity payments and consents. If you have not joined us yet, then ask the school for an activation email and go from there. Further information about ParentMail is below.
- Cheques for school should be made payable to ‘Pitton Primary School’
- Money for swimming/swimming badges/lunches should be written on a different cheque to money for visits and trips.
- Please stick to the deadlines given on forms/letters etc to ensure that your child can take part in the event.
- Bank transfers are acceptable for most activities/events. Please follow the instructions on the letter. THIS IS OUR PREFERRED METHOD FOR PAYMENT.