Links with the Community
Family and Community Learning

Families Out Loud - FOL

Courses Available via Wiltshire Council
Parents/Carers of 5-12 years: Triple P - Positive Parenting programme
The Triple P Positive Parenting Programme is for parents and carers of children aged 5-12 years.
Triple P is a great opportunity to meet other parents and carers in similar situations - others who'll support you and share stories and ideas with you. From the start, you'll be given tips and suggestions to suit the needs of your family. You'll see video clips from the Triple P 'Every Parent's Survival Guide' which will show you how the ideas work in real life. And your workbook will give you the tools and information you need to start positive parenting straight away at home. Triple P is delivered by qualified and experienced parenting practitioners.
Triple P courses are 2 hours per week for 7 sessions and are free of charge. Courses are currently being held online via Microsoft Teams due to the pandemic and will return to the community when it is safe to do so.
New referrals are being accepted so please use the form below to access the course.
Return completed referrals to
For further details or to discuss a referral, contact Claire Turner, Parenting Groups Coordinator by email or telephone 07767 230 082.
Triple P Parenting Application Form
Parents/Carers of 3-18 Years SWAPP - Autism Parent Programme
SWAPP is for families of children and young people with autism or who are on the autistic spectrum from preschool age to school year 13. The child or young person must have a formal written diagnosis before a family can attend the programme.
- SWAPP 1 is for families of children in early years settings and reception classes and uses the National Autistic Society's Early Bird Programme
- SWAPP 2 and 3 is the same course and uses the Barnardo's Cygnet Programme but is geared towards families who have children in school years 1-4 (SWAPP 2) and families of children/young people in school years 5-8 (SWAPP 3). Families will be offered either a SWAPP 2 or 3 as the course content is the same according to the needs of the child and availability of courses.
- SWAPP 4 courses are for families who have not had any autism related training in Wiltshire for 2 years or more. This course has been designed by professionals in the LA with extensive autism experience and is aimed at older pupils, in school years 9-13, looking at how puberty impacts upon autism and covering communication, behaviour, independence, sex and sexuality and mental health and wellbeing.
Information and booking
Families can register using one of the following methods:
- Completing an online application form
- Downloading and returning the SWAPP application form (Word doc) [68KB] (opens new window)
- Contacting us by telephone or email
Contact details
Telephone: 01225 718 095
Bishop Andrew, Bishop of Ramsbury, Visits Pitton

We were incredibly lucky to have managed to organsie a visit from Bishop Andrew, Bishop of Ramsbury. Bishop Andrew took part in a Collective Worship, met with all the classes and received a guided tour from Emily and Jamie in year 6. It was a wonderful opportunity for the children to talk to Bishop Andrew and he was full of praise for the children he met today. He has even said he would like to visit us again and next time will bring his guitar!
Visits from Rev Lisa Rodrigues

Hawks were visited by the Rev. Lisa today and this gave them the opportunity to ask her questions linked with our RE question: How do Christian's care for the others and for the world? The pupils asked some amazing questions and the visit was concluded by the Rev. Lisa showing us the Eucharist set that she uses when she visits Christians who are very poorly in their homes.
St. Peter’s is at the centre of the Christian community in Pitton and invites people of all ages to join us at a weekly Sunday service at 11.00 a.m., various mid-week prayer, bible study and social activities or to contact us for pastoral support and guidance. From 2008, St. Peter's is the home of the Methodist society in Pitton. The refreshments are always good and the welcome is enthusiastic! Our people are our ambassadors and they matter most.
We seek to be:
* a worshipful church
* a prayerful church where everyone can learn and grow
* a welcoming and open church
* a joyful and grateful church
By tradition, there was a church on the site before Salisbury Cathedral (completed in 1258) was built. Although one wall and the font may date from the C11th or C12th, most of the current structure dates from 1860.
St Peter's Church, Pitton

School Baptism at St Peter's Church
Choir singing at St Peter's Day Service

A visit from local author, Angela McAllister

A visit from John Glen MP

On Friday 11th February we were visited by John Glen MP. John Glen has been the member of parliament representing Salisbury since 2010. Children had the opportunity to ask him questions about our local area, the environment, what being an MP means and requires. This was a great opportunity to deepen our understanding of British Values, particularly our understanding of democracy and the political system!
PCSO Visits

Friends of Pitton School - FOPS

Friends of Pitton School is open to all the parents and guardians of children at Pitton School and members of staff, and villagers who get involved in raising money for extra amenities for this lovely school. We have fun thinking up new ideas to raise money. We have an active committee, which meets regularly in the Silver Plough - everyone is welcome at these meetings - and you don't have to commit to doing something - all new fundraising suggestions are welcome. If the idea of the committee fills you with dread, we love having people offering to help with activities and events rather than commit to meetings.
The FOPS Chair is Polly Williams and Immy O’Keefe.
For more information please use the link below to the dedicated FOPS page.